

Our innovative peri-natal programme ‘Bump-Start’ places specially trained volunteer befrienders with families expecting a baby or who have a new-born.

Bump-start trained volunteers can support families through pregnancy and their baby’s first year, offering emotional and practical support during those crucial first weeks and months of their baby’s life.

A Bump-Start volunteer can:

  • Offer adult company at home to parents who may feel isolated or lonely, providing a non-judgemental listening ear to new parents
  • Offer parents support around issues such as breastfeeding, baby care, weaning and reading their baby’s signals
  • Offer support and encouragement to parents if they are finding it difficult to bond with their baby
  • Accompany parents to ante and post-natal appointments
  • Support parents to involve all members of the family, such as the father and siblings, in the process of pregnancy and caring for a baby

Make a referral.